Spratton CE Primary School

'I have come that you may have life, and have life in all its fullness' John 10:10

Curriculum - RE

We study Religious Education as a key part of our curriculum here at Spratton CE Primary. 

Major Christian festivals are celebrated and studied and close links are maintained with the local church to provide a range of opportunities to learn about Christianity in context of St Andrew's Church, the role of the clergy and the Christian lives of the congregation. 

We also provide a wider outlook through study of the wider Christian world and other faiths through our comprehensive Religious Education Curriculum.

RE is taught using the Peterborough Diocese Syllabus and the Understanding Christianity programmes and children explore Christianity more deeply and also learn about other faiths and worldviews.





“Religious Education in a Church School should enable every child to flourish and to live life in all its fullness” (John 10:10). It will help educate for dignity and respect encouraging all to live together. Such an approach is offered through a “commitment to generous hospitality, being true to our underpinning faith, but with a deep respect for the integrity of other religious traditions (and worldviews) and for the religious freedom of each person”.

(Taken from the Statement of Entitlement – Church of England Education Office 2019).


The Diocese of Peterborough’s Board of Education Vision Statement aims to “provide all the children and young people with an excellent education in every area of the curriculum and in every aspect of their personal development, so that they are able to lead a fulfilling life and are equipped to make the world a better place. We want pupils to leave school with a rich experience and understanding of Christianity and other world faiths. We aim to make sure our pupils appreciate the biblical basis and Christian beliefs that underpin Christian values”.

(Taken from ‘Education for Life, deeply Christian, serving the common good’ – DBE 2019)


At Spratton Church of England Primary School, pupils and their families can expect a high quality RE curriculum that is rich and varied, enabling learners to acquire a thorough knowledge and understanding of a range of faiths and worldviews. As a church school, the teaching of Christianity is at the heart of our RE curriculum. Through the ‘Understanding Christianity’ resource, the use of an enquiry approach engages with significant theological concepts and the pupil’s own understanding of the world as part of their wider religious literacy. Using the Diocese of Peterborough RE syllabus and Understanding Christianity we learn about other religions and worldviews, fostering respect for them. Links with our Christian values and vision, and support for pupil’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development are intrinsic to our RE curriculum and have a significant impact on learners. We provide a wide range of opportunities for pupils to understand and to make links between the beliefs, practices and value systems of the range of faiths and worldviews studied.


Our Vision and RE

At Spratton Church of England Primary School, we are “living and learning together, celebrating life in all its fullness” (John 10:10)

At Spratton Church of England Primary School we provide teaching and learning of the highest quality for each and every child. We aim to encourage a high level of independence, self-confidence and a deep sense of worth. Our RE curriculum builds towards providing a safe and secure environment where children feel valued and able to express their own views and beliefs. Lessons allow children to build knowledge and understanding of a range of world religions. They are encouraged to value their own opinions and beliefs, whilst developing respect and sensitivity for the views of others. Pupils are encouraged to understand the importance of the role that each individual has to play in the life of the school and of the wider community. Links are made with a variety of faith and worldview groups to help with this.



About our RE teaching resource 'Understanding Christianity'

Understanding Christianity’s approach to teaching about Christianity builds up pupils’ encounters with these core concepts through biblical texts, placing the texts and concepts within the wider Bible story. Each unit addresses a concept, through some key questions, exploring core Bible texts, their impact for Christians, and possible implications for pupils. Each unit incorporates the three elements below:

  • Making sense of the text: developing pupils’ skills of reading and interpretation; understanding how Christians interpret, handle and use biblical texts; making sense of the meanings of texts for Christians.
  • Understanding the impact: examining ways in which Christians respond to biblical texts and teachings, and how they put their beliefs into action in diverse ways within the Christian community and in the world.
  • Making connections: evaluating, reflecting on and connecting the texts and concepts studied, and discerning possible connections between these and pupils’ own lives and ways of understanding the world. 


RE News and Information

May 2022 

KS1 Learning about Islam





Understanding Christianity: The Easter Story

Children in EYFS have explored the Easter Story. They acted out the story of Jesus entering Jerusalem, learned about The Last Supper, about Jesus being arrested and put on the cross, and the story of Easter Day and how we celebrate Jesus.



Understanding Christianity and Spirituality

KS2 Easter Experience in Church 

It was lovely to be able to once again be in Church. The children joined in a whole school service before staying for a morning of 'Easter Story' experiences, exploring and responding to the Easter Story and recognising some of the items and symbols in church linked to it.  The children all demonstrated many of our school values during the visit and were awarded a Golden Pebble each on return to school and reflected on the experience further.  






Understanding Christianity : People of God

UKS2 have been looking at a unit called 'People of God' - in the pictures below they have summarised the major events in Moses' life. Following this, they then identified key themes such as slavery and salvation.


February 2022

UKS2 : Learning about Judaism

January 2022

Understanding Christianity and Spirituality: Our World

In EYFS, we have been thinking about God and how he created the world. The children went outside to look at the lovely world around us and noticed the trees, fields, bushes, plants and animals. The children enjoyed using water colours to create paintings of the beautiful area surrounding our school. 



Understanding Christianity and Spirituality: The Greatest Story 

We have created scenes from the Christmas Story to share with our school community:



We also created decorations for our Christmas Tree:

December 2021

Understanding Christianity: Learning about Advent 

Rev A Twigg visited each class to talk about how Christians recognise Advent, its meaning and some of the items which are used in celebrations at this time of year in church.