Spratton CE Primary School

'I have come that you may have life, and have life in all its fullness' John 10:10


 We aim to provide a high-quality mathematics education with a mastery approach so that all children will:

  • become fluent in the fundamentals of Mathematics, including carried and frequent practice with increasingly complex problems over time, so that they develop conceptual understanding and the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately.
  • reason mathematically by following a line of enquiry, conjecturing relationships and generalisations, and developing an argument, justification or proof using mathematical language.
  • can solve problems by applying Mathematics to a variety of routine and non-routine problems with increasing sophistication, including breaking down problems into a series of simpler steps and persevering in seeking solutions. Mathematics is an interconnected subject in which learners need to be able to move fluently between representations of Mathematical ideas, with the intention that they can apply learnt concepts to other areas of the curriculum.  

Early Years, Key Stage 1 and 2  


Mathematics development in Early Years involves providing children with opportunities to practise and improve their skills in counting numbers, calculating simple addition and subtraction problems, and to describe shapes, spaces and measures. We continually observe and assess children in these areas using age-related objectives and plan the next steps in their mathematics development through a topic-based curriculum. There are opportunities for children in EYFS to encounter maths – both inside and outside – through planned activities and through continuous provision where children self-select easily accessible quality maths resources.  


In both Key Stage 1 and 2, children study mathematics daily covering a broad and balanced mathematical curriculum including elements of number, calculation, geometry, measures and statistics. We use the ‘White Rose’ maths programme as the basis for planning our teaching and learning in Maths, supplemented by other resources where appropriate. All our children have access to a wide range of manipulatives (known as concrete resources) to help support their understanding of key mathematical concepts. These concepts are developed and revisited, building upon prior learning. Teaching of the four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) is supported by our Calculation Policy.


Year 4 multiplication tables check 

Schools in England are required to administer an online multiplication tables check to Y4 pupils. The purpose of this is to determine whether pupils can recall their times tables fluently, which is considered essential for future success in mathematics. To support the children with their multiplication practise we use online learning platforms and offer other resources to be used in the classroom.


How can parents help?

There are lots of great ways to support your child at home with mathematics. The key is to make it as fun and positive as possible and playing games is an excellent way of doing this. Carefully selected games can help with recognising patterns, creating mental images of numbers and helping to become fluent and flexible with calculations.

Some examples of games you could play: Shut the box, Rummikub, Card games, Dominoes, Battleships, Pick up sticks (with scoring)


Some examples of some specific maths games you could play:

Hit the button 

Mr G’s Musical Maths

Maths games

How-close-to-100-handout (game to print off and play) and How close to 100 instructions

BBC Super Movers – Times table songs

Pepperoni Pizza

Multiplication Squares Game


Links to other useful websites that can support maths:

numberblocks - This BBC website is especially suitable for EYFS Reception children 

Mr DeMaio creates fantastic educational videos, including this playlist of songs to help your children learn their multiplication tables.

Laugh Along and Learn also have a collection of Times Tables songs that your children can sing!

This playlist from Happy Learning English has some times tables songs, as well as videos about shapes and measurements.

The Singing Walrus has lots of songs to teach children about numbers and counting


Parents can also support their children in a number of other ways:

  • Become familiar with the school’s Calculation Policy, this shows how we introduce concepts and how new strategies are introduced over time. This will help you to support them with their learning.
  • Talk about their understanding. Allow the children to articulate what they can do and show you with their preferred method as this will identify the area they may need support with. Often children understand a large portion of what is required but may require support on a single area. Use the phrases ‘Show me what you can do!’ and ‘Which part of the question do you find difficult?’
  • Use Mathletics with your child. Mathletics is our new online resource designed to support learning at home. Objectives are supported by help videos and the programme intuitively changes the pitch of questions to suit the needs of the learner over time.
  • Practise multiplication tables. Multiplication tables are a vital skill and help children to generate other known facts. Learning them can be done in a number of fun ways; through songs, using the TT Rockstars app and through games such as Ping-Pong that the children are familiar with. 

More information can be found in the documents section below:

 LONG TERM PLANS.pdfDownload
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Maths News and Events 


March 2022

Curriculum Corner: Learning Key Number Facts and Multiplication Tables

Why do we teach key number facts?

Children are expected to memorise a number of different number facts in primary school, including number bonds to 20 and the multiplication and division facts for the twelve times tables. 

Number facts are basic addition, subtraction, multiplication and division calculations that children learn to recall instantly with no working out (in other words, they need to learn them off by heart).

Number facts are sometimes referred to as number bonds (addition and subtraction) and times tables with related division facts (multiplication and division).  


How can parents/carers help?

There are lots of great ways to support your child at home with mathematics.

The key is to make it as fun and positive as possible and playing games is an excellent way of doing this. Carefully selected games can help with recognising patterns, creating mental images of numbers and helping to become fluent and flexible with calculations.

Playing board/card games as a family also have the benefit of learning the social skills of game-playing and lots of talking for learning! Some examples of games you could play: Shut the box, Rummikub, Card games, Dominoes, Battleships, Pick up sticks (with scoring)

By playing maths games together, whatever your personal experience of the subject, your child will learn that the challenge of maths is there to be enjoyed! 

Some examples of some specific online maths games the children play (some individually and some with partners/teams):

Hit the button , Maths games, Pepperoni Pizza, Multiplication Squares Game, How-close-to-100-handout (game to print off and play) and How close to 100 instructions

numberblocks - This BBC website is especially suitable for EYFS Reception children 

Musical Maths

Songs and music can be a great learning tool when learning to recall number facts

BBC Super Movers – Times table songs

Mr G’s Musical Maths

Mr DeMaio creates fantastic educational videos, including this playlist of songs to help your children learn their multiplication tables.

Laugh Along and Learn also have a collection of Times Tables songs that your children can sing!

This playlist from Happy Learning English has some times tables songs, as well as videos about shapes and measurements.

The Singing Walrus has lots of songs to teach children about numbers and counting.


March 2022 

Maths and Computing

UKS2 have experienced maths through computing. They have designed spreadsheets to convert between different units of measure, this included metres to centimetres and even kilometres to miles. The children had to think carefully about the mathematical processes involved and then apply their newly acquired computing skills to build operational spreadsheets!

In KS1, the children have explored maths manipulatives to support their understanding of doubling numbers.



LKS2 had fun with measurement, putting into practice our knowledge of units of measurement, using the metre sticks and trundle wheels to measure objects and areas outside. 





In KS1, we have been finding one more and one less and ten more and ten less using the Base 10 and 100 squares. 



Curriculum Corner: Maths

Maths is another lifelong skill that children develop whilst at school. Children need to learn maths so that they can work systematically, calculate and solve problems. Additionally, it has many different applications throughout adult life.

At Spratton, we focus on three key elements:

  • Fluency
  • Reasoning
  • Problem solving.

Lessons are shaped to support learning in these fundamental areas. Children have opportunities  to practice methods (fluency), to apply their learning and explain their thinking (reasoning) and use acquired knowledge to solve problems in a variety of contexts (problem solving) over the course of a lesson or a series of lessons.

Throughout, maths lessons are delivered through a concrete, pictorial and abstract approach (CPA). Pupils have the opportunity to explore physical models (concrete), before moving on to draw their representations (pictorial) and then move to traditional written recording (abstract). It is important pupils have exposure to different representations to support a deeper understanding of maths. It also helps pupils to make connections between different areas of maths.

A UKS2 pupil explores negative numbers using Numicon:


Pupils in KS1 using concrete resources (cubes) to write representations of numbers (abstract):

Below are some examples of work children have been doing this week:

                 EYFS                                      KS1                                    LKS2                                    UKS2





Going shopping!

In Maths this week, the Year 1 children have been visiting Mrs Peachey's shop and buying items using 1p and 2p coins. 



September 2021 - UKS2 

Using manipulatives to help us to understand negative numbers