Spratton CE Primary School

'I have come that you may have life, and have life in all its fullness' John 10:10

Academy Governance Committee

We have an Academy Governance Committee (AGC) that has some delegated responsibilities from the Trust Board of Directors as outlined in the Trust’s Scheme of Delegation. They engage with our local community. They do not hold the academy to account but carry out the following role:

 Vision and Values

  • Agree the vision and values for the academy with reference to the SIAMS Schedule, in partnership with the academy community, ensuring they are aligned with the Trust’s Vision and embracing equality.
  • Monitor that the vision and the values are being ‘lived out’ in all aspects of the life of the academy.

 For details of Trust governance click here: https://www.pdet.org.uk/governance/pdet-governance-structure

 For the Trust’s Scheme of Delegation and for specific details of the AGC’s role click here https://www.pdet.org.uk/governance/pdet-academy-governance-committees

 For the Trust’s memorandum and articles of association, annual accounts, annual report and funding agreement click here: https://www.pdet.org.uk/key-documents/financial-documents

Our AGC Members and the dates of their term of office:


 Mrs Laura Armstrong (Chair, SEND) 

Community Governor

03/21 to 03/25


Mrs Dawn Nicholson (Sports Premium)

Community Governor 

011/23 to 11/27


Rev. Allison Twigg (RE, Collective Worship, SIAMS, Safeguarding)

Church Governor

19/11/18 to 18/11/26


Mrs Lauren Blackshaw (Wellbeing)

Parent Governor

01/09/22 to 31/08/26


Jonathan Pykett (GDPR)

Parent Governor

16/11/22 to 15/11/26


Mrs Liz Crofts

Executive Headteacher

Ex-Officio from Sept 22



 Mrs Hannah Miller

Staff Governor

03/23 - 03/27


Further details about governance can be found at:



 Governor Pecuniary Interests for website Feb 2022.docxDownload
 Board Remit and Scheme of Delegation (incorporating Roles and Functions overview).pdfDownload
 1. The Role of the AGC - March 2022.pdfDownload
 Privacy Notice - Volunteers (all) (March 2021).pdfDownload
 Governor Attendance 2023-24.pdfDownload
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